ITS News

Tuesday, October 08, 2024
March 28, 2023 16:03

ITS Passes 1,331 Prospective Students Through SNBP 2023

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online

ITS Campus, ITS NewsThe Educational Testing Management Center (BP3) officially announced the results of the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) in 2023, Tuesday (3/28), at 15.00 WIB. In this selection, through the selection of student achievements, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) passed 1,331 prospective new students from various regions throughout Indonesia.

Head of the Admissions Subdirectorate of the ITS Education Directorate, Dr. Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSc, explained that 11,994 enthusiasts contested the quota of 1,331 seats provided by ITS. Although there was a decrease in the number of enthusiasts compared to the previous year’s National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN), Unggul admitted that this was not a big problem. “The decrease is not too significant, only one percent,” he said.

Data on the number of applicants, the number of accepted, and the percentage of students admitted to ITS through the SNBP 2023 route

Unggul said that the SNBP route quota itself comprised 20 percent of the total allocation for new ITS student admissions in 2023. More detail, the number of prospective students accepted through the SNBP route is 28.5 percent of prospective students receiving the Indonesia Smart Lecture Card (KIP-K) and 71.5 percent of regular student candidates.

The ITS Mechanical Engineering Department lecturer revealed that students from East Java Province dominated the distribution of ITS SNBP applicants. Furthermore, Unggul revealed that ITS for the Department of Informatics Engineering ranked first with the most enthusiasts, 1,449 enthusiasts. This figure was followed by the Department of Engineering and Industrial Systems, with as many as 627 enthusiasts, and the Department of Information Systems, with as many as 563 enthusiasts.

List of departments in ITS with the most enthusiasts in the 2023 SNBP selection

Even though it has been declared passed, Unggul reminded us there is still a registration stage for the new prospective students who passed. He advised prospective new students to be responsible and complete the re-registration process.

Although there is no blocklist system, Unggul emphasized that failure to complete this stage will still impact the applicant’s school of origin. “The quota of new student admissions from the school concerned will be reduced for next year,” he warned.

Dr. Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEng Sc, Head of the Admissions Sub-directorate of the ITS Education Directorate

Therefore, Unggul appealed to all participants who passed the SNBP route to immediately read the schedule announcement and re-registration preparation on page. Finally, Unggul congratulates and best wishes to prospective new students entitled to be part of the ITS family. (ITS Public Relation)

Reporter: Shafa Annisa Ramadhani

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