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December 12, 2022 18:12

KIAD, A Friendly Application for Persons with Disabilities Made by ITS Students

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(from left) Daanii Nabil Ghinannafsi Kusnanta, Muhammad Nur Abdurrauf, and Deka Julian Arrizki who are members of the ITS student team who initiated the KIAD application

(from left) Daanii Nabil Ghinannafsi Kusnanta, Muhammad Nur Abdurrauf, and Deka Julian Arrizki who are members of the ITS student team who initiated the KIAD application

ITS Campus, ITS News – Responding to the limited information access to facilities for persons with disabilities, three students from the Informatics Engineering Department of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) worked on an application called Accessibility Information Collection for Persons with Disabilities (KIAD). This innovation is expected to be the latest solution to facilitate the daily activities of persons with disabilities.

The three are Deka Julian Arrizki, Muhammad Nur Abdurrauf, and Daanii Nabil Ghinannafsi Kusnanta, members of the NTS team. NTS Team Leader Deka Julian Arrizki explained the KIAD application works on mobile Android with the primary function to provide information on the accessibility of facilities somewhere more easily. “The big target is that people with disabilities are better prepared before traveling,” he said.

Display of the KIAD application designed by the NTS Team from the ITS Informatics Engineering Department

Display of the KIAD application designed by the NTS Team from the ITS Informatics Engineering Department

Deka menerangkan, KIAD menyediakan 24 jenis fasilitas yang dipetakan ke dalam sembilan kebutuhan pengguna. Kebutuhan tersebut menyasar pengguna kursi roda, penyandang kemampuan jalan terbatas, kemampuan tangan terbatas, kemampuan gerak terbatas, buta, penglihatan terbatas, tuli, kesulitan mendengar, dan gangguan bicara.

Menurut Deka, penentuan ini didasarkan pada Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) tahun 2017 dan penggalian langsung kepada pengguna. Lebih lanjut, mahasiswa asal Madiun ini menyampaikan, aplikasi KIAD terbagi ke dalam beberapa fitur pembantu. Fitur tersebut terdiri dari pencarian tempat, pencarian tempat berdasarkan fasilitas, laporan, pesan, pencarian pengguna, kontribusi, berita dan petunjuk, laporan ulasan, menghapus data, serta memblokir pengguna. Kesepuluh fitur ini memiliki fungsi sesuai dengan namanya masing-masing.

Lebih rinci, Deka memaparkan, para pengguna dapat berkontribusi untuk memasukkan informasi terkait fasilitas yang tersedia di suatu tempat melalui fitur kontribusi, kemudian pengguna lain dapat mengakses informasi tersebut dengan fitur pencarian atau pencarian berdasarkan fasilitas. Tidak hanya itu, pengguna lainnya juga dapat memberikan ulasan serta melaporkan apabila informasi yang diberikan keliru. “Prinsipnya dari pengguna untuk pengguna,” tutur Deka.

Demonstration of the use of the KIAD application by a member of the NTS team from ITS

Demonstration of the use of the KIAD application by a member of the NTS team from ITS

Deka added this application could be accessed by the public, both persons with disabilities and non-disabilities, through the Playstore download service on the user’s device. Through this innovation, the team coached by Siska Arifiani SKom MKom has won a gold medal in the XV 2022 National Student Exhibition in Information and Communication Technology (Gemastik) organized by the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas) in the field of Software Development (PPL), November then.

Finally, the Madiun 2 Public High School alumnus revealed that his team would continue to strive for further development of this application in terms of features and accessibility for users. This student of the Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (FTEIC) ITS hopes to establish relationships with more communities to expand the scope of the application. “The more massive the spread, the more people with disabilities will certainly be helped,” he concluded optimistically. (ITS Public Relation)

Reporter: Shafa Annisa Ramadhan

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