ITS News

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August 08, 2022 19:08

Inaugurates 5,893 Undergraduate Students, ITS Gives Birth to Future Leaders

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Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng (tengah) menggenggam kedua tangan para perwakilan mahasiswa baru usai penyematan jas almamater sebagai simbol ITS resmi mengukuhkan

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng (center) holding the hands of the new student representatives (maba) after embedding the alma mater coat as a symbol of ITS officially confirming

Campus ITS, ITS News – After completing the entire process of accepting new students (maba) from various pathways, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) officially inaugurated 5,893 first-year students from undergraduate (S1) and applied (D4) levels. The activity was held for the first time offline and in an open space after two years of the pandemic. It was born in the ceremonial field in front of the ITS Library Building on Monday (8/8) morning.

Wearing white tops and black bottoms, the thousands of new students mingled from various departments at ITS into one in the middle of a grassy field from 07.00 to 09.00. Each first-year student must carry a sheet of red and white paper back and forth.

To liven up the inauguration atmosphere and foster the enthusiasm of the new students to prepare to be part of the ITS academic community, the presenters repeatedly echoed the names of each faculty which were greeted with enthusiastic shouts from the first-year students who were under the mentioned faculties. The flash mob attraction was also successfully designed by inviting new students to make a red and white flag configuration from the sheet of paper they brought with them to put on their heads.

Flashmob dari para mahasiswa baru ITS 2022 yang membentuk konfigurasi bendera merah putih di Lapangan Gedung Perpustakaan ITS

Flashmob from ITS 2022 new students who form a red and white flag configuration in the ITS Library Building Field

On this occasion, the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim, BA MBA, was also present and gave a virtual speech. In his remarks, Nadiem conveyed to ITS first-year students that creativity and freedom of students to study on campus had been guaranteed by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Through the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program, students have the freedom to knit education outside the department or campus they occupy with a semester credit transfer system.

Sambutan yang disampaikan secara virtual oleh Menteri Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi RI Nadiem Anwar Makarim BA MBA kepada para maba ITS yang telah resmi dkukuhkan

Speech delivered virtually by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Nadiem Anwar Makarim BA MBA to ITS first-year students who have been officially confirmed.

Previously, the Chairperson of the ITS Board of Trustees (MWA), Prof. Dr. Ir KH Mohammad Nuh DEA, who also gave a speech, said ITS students should be grateful for being accepted at one of the best technology campuses in Indonesia. Moreover, the ITS campus still contains a high fighting spirit to advance human civilization by its motto, Advancing Humanity. “After being confirmed, there will be no more classification based on entry routes. However, we are one unit. Namely, we are fellow citizens of ITS, “said the former Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) reminded.

Not only the Chair of the MWA also present and delivered his remarks was the Chair of the ITS Academic Senate, Prof. Dr. Syafsir Akhlus, MSc. They also provided learning motivation for new students. In addition, there were also vice-chancellors, the Secretary of the Institute (Skits), and deans from seven faculties and one school within ITS.

Sambutan penuh semangat disampaikan oleh Ketua MWA ITS Prof Dr Ir KH Mohammad Nuh DEA kepada para maba ITS

The Chair delivered an enthusiastic welcome of ITS MWA, Prof Dr. Ir KH Mohammad Nuh DEA, to ITS first-year students.

Ketua Senat Akademik ITS Prof Dr Ir Syafsir Akhlus MSc tutur mengobarkan semangat para mahasiswa baru ITS yang dikukuhkan

Chairman of the ITS Academic Senate, Prof. Dr. Ir Syafsir Akhlus MSc, said to inflame the enthusiasm of ITS new students who were inaugurated.

Meanwhile, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng, in his inauguration remarks, explained that ITS this year succeeded in accepting as many as 8,072 students from undergraduate, applied undergraduate, and postgraduate levels from Sabang to Merauke. Not only that, but ITS also accepts 56 international students from various countries around the world. “There are students from the Netherlands, Libya, France, and various other countries,” he said.

Ashari assured that ITS is ready to become a place for new students to be creative and innovate without limitations. He also revealed that ITS managed to become the first rank of Legal Entity State Universities (PTN-BH) in the field of graduates who get jobs quickly and have a lot of entrepreneurship in Indonesia. “With this award, it has proven that ITS is committed to graduating quality candidates for the nation’s successors,” he assured.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng menggelorakan semangat juang ITS kepada para maba yang resmi dikukuhkan di Lapangan Gedung Perpustakaan ITS

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng inflamed ITS fighting spirit to new students who were officially inaugurated in the ITS Library Building Field

In the future, the Professor of Electrical Engineering hopes for new students to raise their fighting spirit in knitting their academic and non-academic education while at ITS. He also expressed great pride in the enthusiasm of the new students to continue their education at ITS.

As a sign that the new students have been confirmed to be part of the ITS big family, the chancellor has pinned alma mater coats symbolically to two new first-year student representatives. “We hope that in the future, you can become presidential candidates, director candidates, and candidates for the management of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in the future,” he concluded, instilling hope in 2022 ITS first-year students. (ITS Public Relation)

Flashmob dari para mahasiswa baru ITS 2022 yang membentuk konfigurasi bendera merah putih di Lapangan Gedung Perpustakaan ITS

Flashmob from ITS 2022 new students who form a red and white flag configuration in the ITS Library Building Field

Reporter: Bima Surya Samudra

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