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January 30, 2020 11:01

CommTECH Invites Participants To Create Impactful Outcomes For The Community

Oleh : adminits | | Source : -

Participants of CommTECH Camp Insight ITS 2020 welcomed in ITS Rectorate Building

ITS Campus, ITS News – the Directorate of the Global Partnership of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) held the annual agenda of Community and Technological (CommTECH) Camp Insight 2020. At its 14th CommTECH opening, Wednesday (29/1), this international activity successfully absorbs the spirit of 34 participants from various foreign universities.

The activities opened by the Vice-Rector I for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT was planned to be held for 13 days until the 10th of February.

In his speech, the professor of the Departement of Electrical Engineering provides full support on this activity as there will be many benefits gained, not only for ITS but also for the participants. According to him, this activity is very good in the field of cultural exchange and new ideas.

“I hope you will have a unique, enjoyable, and unforgettable experience,” he said to the participants.

Vice-Rector I’ Prof. Adi Soeprijanto opening CommTECH activities Camp Insight 2020 in ITS Rectorate Building

The director of ITS Global Partnership Dr. Maria Anityasari ST ME explained that this international event consisted of students, lecturers, and staff from various universities from 11 countries as participants. The countries include Bangladesh, Taiwan, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Netherlands, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and Denmark.

“First of all participants will be given an introduction, they will be asked to create a project after following the class that has been selected,” he explained when encountered after opening ceremony.

At this CommTECH, Maria mentions there are three sub courses can be chosen by the participants. These three sub courses include Sociopreneurship in Action, The Biodiversity of Coastal Ecosystem, and Build Your Own Boat: Designing, Building and Operating Unmanned Surface Vehicle.

The director of ITS Global Partnership Dr. Maria Anityasari (center) Invites the representatives of participants CommTECH Camp Insight 2020 to cheers.

Maria said that CommTECH is hosted by ITS Rector to be more impactful to Indonesian society. Therefore, CommTECH this year seeks to produce an external product or system through all three topics of the existing class, so that the outcome can be useful in the community.

“In previous years, participants were only studying and presenting, in this year they are required to produce products or systems that can be applied in the community,” said the graduate of the University of New South Wales, Australia

Furthermore, Mary explained that in the Sociopreneurship in Action subcourse, participants would exchange thoughts, generate ideas, and prototype. After that, the idea is tested to develop the right business model.

In The Biodiversity of Coastal Ecosystem Subcourse, participants will be invited to discuss and stimulate biodiversity in Indonesia which is an archipelago country. Meanwhile, in the Build Your Own Boat subcourse, participants will create a prototype of a ship.

Maria admitted that this CommTECH is indeed encountered a problem due to the emergence of the Corona Virus case. The world’s uproar due to the result of this virus has caused participants from 89 people, leaves 34 people only because participants from China resigned due to the restriction of travel.

One of the participants of CommTECH Camp Insight ITS 2020 examined by ITS Medical Center doctor to ensure their health condition before doing the activity

To anticipate, Mary explained that before departing participants had been asked to make a health declaration that they were not sick. While at ITS own, the committee has prepared a doctor from ITS Medical Center to conduct health checks of participants during the activities. Not only that, but the Committee has also prepared masks, alcohol, and hand sanitizer that can be used by participants.

“We have also worked with the healthcare department, Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Medical Center ITS, and Airlangga University Hospital,” said this lecturer of the Department of Industrial Engineering.

Nevertheless, Maria hopes CommTECH can still run smoothly and become a bridge for ITS to World Class University. “Students, as well as foreign lecturers who come to ITS, will make a better image for ITS because it is already well known by many countries,” she concluded.(ra/rev/ITS Public Relations)

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