The establishment of the Medical Technology study program refers to the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN 2020-2024) which has a Vision: “The realization of an advanced Indonesia that is sovereign, independent, and has a personality based on Gotong-Royong”, as well as the Ministry of National Education’s Strategic Plan (2020-2024), especially in the aspect of policy direction and strategy, there is a formulation that nationally, Indonesia must have independence in technology development. Furthermore, of the 9 main strategy points in the National Research Master Plan 2017-2045, mastery of technology, especially in strategic fields such as health and medicine, is one of the government’s focus programs.
Furthermore, if we refer to the ITS Strategic Plan (2021-2025), ITS has also synergized national development issues in its long-term plan. In the ITS Renstra, ITS clearly states its intention to contribute nationally in various science and technology developments. Strategic areas such as renewable energy, food security, and health are already the main focus of the various science and technology development agendas carried out by ITS. Various innovations and technological developments driven by ITS, especially in the fields of health and medicine, have begun to be widely recognized and used by the Indonesian people at large. Starting from the Raisa Robot, Violetta Robot, Oxigen Concentrator, Electronic Nose, nurse robot, smart chamber and various other innovations. The various facts above have shown the synergy of ITS with one of the strategic issues carried out in the RPJMN (2020-2024), namely the national health development program, where the government through various work programs wishes to improve health services and health facilities for the community at large through a national independence program in the field of health technology. The innovation that has been shown by ITS is already a positive point, but nationally, the health technology industry is still at a very early stage.
The national medical technology industry, when referring to the report of the Indonesian Ministry of Health in the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, states that 91.5% of medical devices circulating in Indonesia are imported products, so it is still a challenge to realize the independence of domestic medical equipment / technology. Technology or medical devices produced domestically to date are still dominated by low to medium technology products. Indonesia is still unable to make high-tech medical devices. Meanwhile, if we look at the potential volume of the global health and medical technology industry, the market capital value is very large. In Indonesia alone, in one year it is reported that import spending in the form of health or medical technology can reach Trillions of rupiah (2,292 million dollars).
The Medical Technology program authorized by the ITS Academic Senate on June 9, 2022 is a multidisciplinary program. This study program will basically require a combination of medical science, engineering science, natural science and design science disciplines. The profile of graduates of the study program is to become engineers, researchers, designers, innovators, entrepreneurs and consultants in the field of medical technology.