Tuesday, January 5, 2021, the Center for the Study of Regional Potential and Community Empowerment (PDPM)-DRPM ITS held a Kick off Meeting for Simomulyo Hydroponic Village Assistance Activities in Surabaya City. The condition of the city of Surabaya which is still high in the covid-19 pandemic, so this Kick off meeting was held online. The kick off meeting was attended by the Head of the PDPM Puska Dr. Sutikno, Deputy Head of the PDPM Puska Dr. Soedarso, the ITS mentoring team, Assistant Corporate Secretary (Asekper) for Partnership and Community Development (KBL) Mr. Herry Wiswanto, KBL Implementers Mr. Ervan Aspriandhi and Mr. Luman Firmansyah and representatives of the Hydroponic Village Mr. Nuki Nugraha.
Dr. Sutikno conveyed the plan and schedule of assistance activities for the Hydroponic Village. This assistance is planned for 60 calendar days. The number of activities is 13 activities. Assistance is carried out intensively by visiting and monitoring the Hydroponic Village. Intensive mentoring was driven by Galih Alco as ITS Field Assistant. Dr. Sutikno also conveyed the KPI which became the reference and target for the assistance of the Hydroponic Village. There are several activities that require prerequisites/support from Pelindo III in the form of Community Development (BL) assistance. It is hoped that the BL proposed by the Hydroponic Village can be approved by Pelindo III to achieve the KPI target for Hydroponic Village Assistance. The launch of Pelindo III Hydroponic Village Assistance activities is planned for January 9, 2021 in a hybrid way, some participants are offline, some are through online zoom meetings. This is in accordance with health protocols.
Mr. Herry Wismanto, Asekper of KBL Pelindo III, conveyed to the ITS Team to carry out activities according to the plan and schedule by paying attention to health protocols. Especially reducing the activities of the community crowd. This is to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Because the cases of covid-19 in Pelindo III are quite high. For program launching activities, Pelindo III supports the Zoom meeting. It is hoped that later the Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of Pelindo III can open the event symbolically via Zoom Meeting.
Lukman Firmansyah, the executor of the Pelindo III KBL, conveyed a proposal in the launching of the Pelindo III Hydroponic Village Assistance program there was an MoU TTD ceremony between Pelindo III and Hydroponic Village. The substance of this MoU contains the period of mentoring and the achievement target for the assistance of Hydroponic Village. Lukman Firmansyah also said that Pelindo III had disbursed BL assistance to the Hydroponic Village in December 2020. So that later the ITS Team could carry out activities according to the plan that had been prepared. If there is BL assistance for Hydroponic Villages that has not been covered, it can be submitted for the current year 2021. The ITS team can immediately run according to the plan, schedule and program achievement targets.
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