February 08, 2022 12:02

PKPDPM DRPM ITS Carry out the Preparation of the Open Unemployment Rate Analysis Document (TPT) Tuban Regency in 2019

Oleh : itsdrpm | | Source : -

Center for the Study of Regional Potential and Community Empowerment (PKPDPM) – Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) ITS through the Directorate of Business Cooperation and Management (DKPU) ITS carries out the task of compiling an analysis document for the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) of Tuban Regency in 2019. The task of compiling an analysis document TPT is an assignment from the Regional Planning and Development Agency (BAPPEDA) of Tuban Regency in the context of preparing regional performance indicators.

The activities of preparing the Tuban Regency TPT began with a literature study, secondary data collection, data analysis and preparation of the Tuban Regency employment report in 2019, as well as the presentation of the results of the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) through Focus Group Discussions (FGD).

The presentation of the results through FGDs is carried out periodically several times, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it can only be done online using the zoom meeting media. The preliminary report FGD was held on 8 May 2020, which discussed the development of the 2018 TPT and the methodology for the 2019 TPT report. The Second FGD was held on 4 June 2020, discussing the development of employment indicators for the last five (5) years (2014 – 2019)

The final report FGD which took place on June 22, 2020 discussed conclusions and recommendations for employment issues in Tuban Regency in 2019.

The Tuban Regency TPT presentation in 2019 was attended by representatives from the Tuban Regency Bappeda, BPS, and related OPD.

The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) is one of the main performance indicators of local governments that measures the level of success of employment programs in a region. In addition, employment information can also describe the economic, social and welfare conditions of the population. Periodic TPT information is very much needed by local governments as program evaluation and to find out labor conditions, which will then be used as material for policy making in the coming year.

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