February 08, 2022 14:02

Notification of Output Status Updates, Uploading, and Completing Data for Institutional Performance Assessment

Oleh : itsdrpm | | Source : -

Following up on the results of the Socialization of the Performance Reporting Application of Independent and Main Group Higher Education Research Institutions at the DRPM Kemenristek Dikti on September 17, 2019 and in the context of evaluating the performance of the ITS Research and Community Service Institute by DRPM Kemenristek Dikti, we hereby convey several things to convey to researchers in their respective Departments as follows:

  1. Update the status of research scientific publications in 2018 and upload them via the page http://simlitabmas.ristekdikti.go.id (list attached);
  2. Uploading the Outcomes of Speakers at the 2018 Scientific Meeting through the page http://simlitabmas.ristekdikti.go.id (list attached);
  3. Uploading Keynote Speaker Outcomes at the 2018 Scientific Meeting through the page http://simlitabmas.ristekdikti.go.id (list attached);
  4. Uploading Other Research Outputs in 2018 through the page http://simlitabmas.ristekdikti.go.id (list attached);
  5. Completing and filling out downstream data according to the 2018 research outputs generated on the link https://intip.in/hilirisasi2018 dan unggah berkas hilirisasi ke email ppm.lppm@its.ac.id;
  6. Output updates in points 1-5 above, are mandatory requirements for funding in 2020.

The 5 (five) points mentioned above have to be updated and the page file uploade http://simlitabmas.ristekdikti.go.id on the Seminar Results File menu and email to ppm.lppm@its.ac.id no later than 20 September 2019

Attachment :

  1. Pemberitahuan Update Status Luaran, Mengunggah, dan Melengkapi Data untuk Penilaian Kinerja Lembaga

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