February 07, 2022 14:02

Scientific Research of Academic Universities in 2021 Kemendibud Ristek

Oleh : itsdrpm | | Source : -

Here we convey an announcement from the Directorate of Resources – Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology related to Academic Higher Education Scientific Research

The research scheme is as follows:
1. Lecturer’s independent research grant
2. Entrepreneurship research grant
3. Village research grant
4. Research grants for humanitarian activities

Deadline submit proposal 29 Agustus 2021

Proposal Information : https://beasiswadosen.kemdikbud.go.id/risetkeilmuan

We thank you for your attention and cooperation.


  1. Surat Pengantar Riset Keilmuan
  2. Surat Pemberitahuan Penerimaan Proposal Program Riset Keilmuan Tahun 2021
  3. Riset Mandiri Dosen R.Wisnu Nurcahyo
  4. Riset Desa I Ketut Widnyana
  5. Riset Kewirausahaan Dadan Rahadian
  6. Program Riset Keilmuan Akademik_DIKTI_Penyusunan RAB Riset
  7. Teknis dan Sistem Pendaftaran
  8. RAB Riset
  9. Panduan Program Riset Keilmuan
  10. Laporan Penggunaan Dana
  11. Contoh Faktur Pajak

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