February 07, 2022 13:02

Information Upload Kemendikbud-Ristek Fund Progress Report 2021

Oleh : itsdrpm | | Source : -

In accordance with the Research Implementation Agreement of the Ministry of Education and Culture-Ristek for Fiscal Year 2021 between the Director of Research and Community Service at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology and Research Lecturers at the Ten November Institute of Technology, we respectfully convey the following:

  1. The Head of the Research Team is requested to immediately upload progress reports, daily notes, and a 70% Expenditure Responsibility Statement (SPTB) with the original stamp of Rp. 10,000, – for the funds that have been assigned to the SIMLITABMAS NG 2.0 page, no later than September 18, 2021 (or according to information from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, which will be submitted later) as a condition for disbursing the second phase of funds.
  2. Physical Document of Statement of Expenditure Responsibility (SPTB) 70% original stamped Rp. 10,000, – (attached format) is collected to the ITS DRPM Office.
  3. Reporting delays will be the responsibility of the Research Team Leader as stated in the Research Implementation Agreement for the 2021 Fiscal Year.

Thus this information, we thank you for your attention and cooperation.


  1. Surat Pengantar Kewajiban Unggah Catatan Harian, Laporan Kemajuan dan SPTB Kemendikbud Ristek
  2. Surat Pemberitahuan Kewajiban Unggah Catatan Harian, Laporan Kemajuan dan Surat Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab Belanja (SPTB)
  3. Informasi Unggah Laporan Kemajuan Dana Kemdikbud-Ristek 2021
  4. Lampiran Surat Pemberitahuan Unggah Laporan Kemajuan Kemendikbud-Ristek
  5. Templete SPTB di Simlitabmas
  6. Lampiran 1 – Jadwal Unggah Catatan Harian, Laporan Kemajuan & SPTB
  7. Lampiran 2 – Daftar Judul Penelitian Kontrak Tahun Tunggal yang berkewajiban unggah Catatan Harian, Laporan Kemajuan, dan SPTB
  8. Lampiran 3 – Panduan Unggah Laporan Kemajuan Penelitian
  9. Lampiran 4 Peraturan Dirjen Perbendaharaan Kementerian Keuangan RI Nomor Per-7_PB_2019

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