June 13, 2020 07:06

Zoom Security Tips for Webinar Admins / Hosts [Updated]

Oleh : ernis | | Source : -

There are several things that we need to understand in using the Zoom application, including how to maintain Data Security when or before doing a Webinar. Especially for the Admin / Host Webinar, this is an important preparation that must be done to safeguard important information in it. The following are Zoom Security Tips for Webinar Admins / Hosts:

  • Before the Webinar:
    1. Create and Start Meeting from myITS Classroom is done from the same account.
    2. Always Enable Waiting Room (by Default: Yes for ITS Accounts), provided that participants must use their real names.
    3. Do not share the Zoom link directly in the publication poster. Use facilities like Microsoft Form or Google
    4. Forms and send a link via email a few hours before the webinar starts.
  • During the Webinar:
    1. Make sure your account is a Host. Check on Participants and make sure your name becomes “Host”.
    2. Disable share screen feature for participants.
    3. Make Co-Host panelist / speaker when going to start share screen or presentation. And Withdraw Co-Host Permissions shortly after the panelist / speaker ends the presentation.
    4. Mute All Participants and uncheck allow participants to unmute themselves.
    5. Set several webinar committees to help as Co-Hosts.
    6. Disable participant annotations.

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