Image: Former Dean with New Dean and Newly Appointed Department Heads
The Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (F-ELECTICS) at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) held a special event on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. Located in the Multifunction Hall, Tower 2 Building at ITS, the event titled “Farewell and Welcome Gathering of the Dean and Vice Dean of FT-EIC ITS for the 2020-2024 Period” became a significant moment to celebrate the leadership transition and honor the contributions of the previous leaders. With a warm and heartfelt atmosphere, the event combined emotions of gratitude and optimism for a brighter future.
The event commenced at 9:00 AM WIB with an energetic performance by the Information Technology Band. The agenda continued with an innovative presentation by BSI about their latest products, inspiring the audience. Nostalgic vibes filled the room as a video showcasing the five-year journey of F-ELECTICS highlighted numerous notable achievements under the leadership of the former Dean, Prof. Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama, S.T., M.T. In his official report, he summarized the faculty’s contributions during the period. This report also marked the leadership transition to the new Dean, Prof. Dr. Diana Purwitasari, S.Kom., M.Sc., alongside the Vice Dean, Dr. Dimas Anton Asfani, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., for the 2025-2029 period. The official ceremony began with a prayer and was followed by the singing of the Indonesian national anthem, Indonesia Raya, and the ITS Hymn, adding a solemn touch to the proceedings.
A warm address by the outgoing Dean and senior faculty representatives expressed deep appreciation for the faculty members and staff for their significant contributions. Special awards were presented to the best faculty and staff members from each department as a token of appreciation for their dedication. One of the most touching moments was the tribute to the families of the late Mr. Waskito, Mr. Wahid, and Mrs. Mazda, acknowledging their invaluable contributions. The DWP ELECTICS Choir added charm to the event with their captivating performance. After the lunch break, the lively atmosphere resumed with entertainment from the Electrical Engineering Band, bringing fresh enjoyment to the attendees.
Image: New Leadership Inauguration Ceremony
As the event concluded, the presentation of the faculty’s performance report for the 2020-2024 period symbolized the handover ceremony and the introduction of the new Department Heads. This moment also served as an opportunity to introduce the newly appointed Department Heads to all attendees, marking the beginning of a new chapter for F-ELECTICS ITS. The event ended with prayers and expressions of gratitude to all those who have supported the faculty’s journey thus far, reaffirming a commitment to a brighter future.
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