Freedom to Learn

Cover KM


Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (Freedom to Learn) is a policy assigned by Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture in order to encourage students to be able to possess various discipline knowledge that is needed to prepare their future career.

The learning process of this program provides challenges and opportunities to develop students’ creativity, capacity, personality and necessity as well as independency in seeking and finding knowledge through reality and actuality such as required ability, real problem, social interaction, collaboration, self-management, work demands, target and achievement.

Department of Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya facilitates students to participate in this program through 8 categories. Those are:

Internship program for 1-2 semester will provide students experiential learning from a real working environment. During the internship students will gain hard skills (complex problem solving, analytical skill, etc.) as well as soft skills (work ethic, communication, teamwork, etc.).

  • Active students at semester 6
  • Supervised by a lecturer from Department of Architecture ITS
  • Write a logbook explaining the activities during the program
  • Submit an internship report (format can be retrieved from the guide book)

The activity must be submitted max 1 year after the completion

Possible course for credit transfer:
  • Internship – 3 sks
  • Architectural Design (3/4/5) – 6 sks
  • Architectural Design Principle (3/4/5) – 2 sks
  • Elective courses – 3 sks
  • Enrichments courses – 3 sks

*) The proposed activity must have 80% similarity to the ELO of the above courses
**) The transferred credit will be based on the evaluation conducted by Department Credit Transfer Team
***) Students are allowed to take other courses through online courses provided by department
****) Students are allowed to take credit for courses which he/she intends to transfer to at the same time with the internship


Magang Mandiri, Magang Kerjasama, Program Magang Mahasiswa Bersertifikat, etc.

Supporting documents:

Download Buku Petunjuk Teknis Magang Direktorat Kemahasiswaan ITS 2020
Download Formulir Transfer Kredit Arsitektur FT-SPK ITS

Learning process in the form of becoming a teaching assistant can be done in elementary school, junior high school and senior high school. The school can be located in the city or remote area.

  • Active students at semester 5 or 6
  • Conducted in official education institution recognised by government
  • Supervised by a lecturer from ITS
  • Minimum duration is 6 months (1 semester) and maximum duration is 1 year (2 semesters)
  • No more than 3 Teaching Assistant activities proposed on a review period
  • Write a logbook explaining the activities during the program
  • Submit a report (format can be retrieved from the guide book)
  • The activity must be submitted max 1 year after the completion
Possible course for credit transfer:

Elective courses – 3 sks

*) The proposed activity must have 80% similarity to the ELO of the above course
**) The transferred credit will be based on the evaluation conducted by Department Credit Transfer Team


Kampus Mengajar, etc

Supporting documents:

Download Petunjuk Teknis Asistensi Mengajar pada Satuan Pendidikan Direktorat Kemahasiswaan ITS 2021
Download Formulir Transfer Kredit Arsitektur FT-SPK ITS

Through research students can develop their critical thinking that is highly required for all discipline in the higher education learning. By establishing critical thinking students will apprehend, understand and able to conduct a better research.

  • Active students at semester 5 or 6
  • Supervised by a lecturer from Department of Architecture ITS
  • and a supervisor from related partner
  • Write a logbook explaining the activities during the program
  • Submit a report
  • The activity must be submitted max 1 year after the completion
Possible course for credit transfer:

All courses at semester 6-8 except Final Project

*) The proposed activity must have 80% similarity to the ELO of the above courses
**) The transferred credit will be based on the evaluation conducted by Department Credit Transfer Team


Program Penelitian Kolaborasi Indonesia (PPKI), Penelitian Kerjasama Antar Perguruan Tinggi (PAKERTI), kemitraan, penelitian mandiri, etc

Supporting documents:

Download Formulir Transfer Kredit Arsitektur FT-SPK ITS
Guide book is on the process of writing by DRPM ITS

Universities have provided a lot of help in natural disaster mitigation through humanitarian projects. Students with their young spirits, competencies and interests can become the “foot soldiers” on humanitarian and empowerment project either in Indonesia or abroad.

  • Active students at semester 5 or 6
  • Supervised by a lecturer from ITS
  • Write a logbook explaining the activities during the program
  • Submit a report (format can be retrieved from the guide book)
  • The activity must be submitted max 1 year after the completion
Possible course for credit transfer:
  • Enrichments courses – 3 sks
  • Slum upgrading – 3 sks
  • Architecture and behaviour – 3 sks
    Forensic architecture – 3 sks

*) The proposed activity must have 80% similarity to the ELO of the above courses
**) The transferred credit will be based on the evaluation conducted by Department Credit Transfer Team


KKN Tematik, Kegiatan tanggap bencana, etc

Supporting documents:

Download Panduan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Tematik Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2020
Download Formulir Transfer Kredit Arsitektur FT-SPK ITS

Based on IDN Research Institute in 2019 there are 69,1% millennial in Indonesia who have interest on entrepreneurial activity. Unfortunately, the potentials of those young entrepreneur have not been organized well. This policy encourages students to develop their interest on entrepreneurial activity through relevant learning activity.

  • Active students at semester 6 or 7
  • Supervised by a lecturer from ITS
  • Write a logbook explaining the activities during the program
  • Submit a report (format can be retrieved from the guide book)
  • The activity must be submitted max 1 year after the completion
Possible course for credit transfer:
  • Internship – 3 sks
  • Other courses at semester 6, 7 or 8 except Final Project Proposal and Final Project

*) The proposed activity must have 80% similarity to the ELO of the above courses
**) The transferred credit will be based on the evaluation conducted by Department Credit Transfer Team


ITS Youth Technopreneur (IYT), Magang wirausaha, Investor Meeting & Exhibition, KIBM, KBMK, ASMI, Inkubator Bisnis, etc

Supporting documents:

Download Petunjuk Teknis Kegiatan Wirausaha Kasie Bimbingan Konseling & Kewirausahaan Direktorat Kemahasiswaan ITS 2020
Download Formulir Transfer Kredit Arsitektur FT-SPK ITS

There are a lot of students who wants to actualize their thought through international competition or innovative idea. This category can be done in a group work and cross discipline.

  • Active students at semester 5 or 6
  • Use ITS as his/her affiliation for the competition
  • Supervised by a lecturer from ITS supported by official documents (SK) from Faculty Dean / Ditmawa
  • Upload required documents stated in the guide book
  • The activity must be submitted max 1 year after the completion
Possible course for credit transfer:
  • Concept of technology – 3 sks
  • Internship – 3 sks
  • KKN Tematik (Thematic Students Study Service) – 3 sks
  • Enrichment courses – 3 sks
  • Architectural Design (3/4/5) – 6 sks
  • Architectural Design Principal – 2 sks

*) The proposed activity must have 80% similarity to the ELO of the above courses
**) The transferred credit will be based on the evaluation conducted by Department Credit Transfer Team


Student competition, Design proposal competition, Project to solve problem (ITS, community, industry)

Supporting documents:

Download Petunjuk Teknis Pemberian Penghargaan Kepada Mahasiswa ITS yang Berprestasi Direktorat Kemahasiswaan ITS 2020
Download Formulir Transfer Kredit Arsitektur FT-SPK ITS

Thematic Students Study Service (KKNT) is a form of education by providing students learning experience by living among community outside the campus. Together they identify potencies and develop the village/area and formulate solution for the problem there.

  • Active students at semester 6 or 7
  • Supervised by a lecturer from ITS
  • Write a logbook explaining the activities during the program
  • Submit a report (format can be retrieved from the guide book)
  • The activity must be submitted max 1 year after the completion
Possible course for credit transfer:
  • KKN Tematik (Thematic Students Study Service) – 3 sks
  • Elective courses – 3 sks
  • Architectural Design (3/4/5) – 6 sks
  • Architectural Design Principal – 2 sks

*) The proposed activity must have 80% similarity to the ELO of the above courses
**) The transferred credit will be based on the evaluation conducted by Department Credit Transfer Team


KKN Tematik, Perbaikan desa, Pembangunan, rumah sehat, etc

Supporting documents:

Download Panduan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Tematik Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2020
Download Formulir Transfer Kredit Arsitektur FT-SPK ITS

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Student exchange helps to establish several students attitude that is stated in Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Permendikbud) Nomor 3 Tahun 2020. Those are cultural diversity, other people views, religion and belief as well as opinion or finding. It also encourages team work and social sensitivity as well as empathy for society and the environment.

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember categorizes student exchange into two sub-categories; domestic student exchange and international student exchange.

a. Domestic student exchange

  • Active students at semester 5 or 6
  • Active students at semester 3 or 4 with NO FAIL courses during the preparation year
  • Submit learning agreement for student exchange to the supervisor
  • Report the result of the student exchange to the supervisor
Possible course for credit transfer:

All courses at semester 6-8 except Final Project Proposal and Final Project

*) The proposed courses must have 80% similarity to the ELO of the courses in the Department of Architecture
**) The transferred credit will be based on the evaluation conducted by Department Credit Transfer Team


Sasrabahu etc.

Supporting documents:

Download Formulir Transfer Kredit Arsitektur FT-SPK ITS

c. Pertukaran pelajar internasional

  • Active students at semester 5 or 6
  • Active students at semester 3 or 4 with NO FAIL courses during the preparation year
  • Submit learning agreement for student exchange to the supervisor and LO IO Department of Architecture
  • Report the result of the student exchange to the supervisor and LO IO Department of Architecture
Possible course for credit transfer:

All courses at semester 6-8 except Final Project Proposal and Final Project

*) The proposed courses must have 80% similarity to the ELO of the courses in the Department of Architecture
**) The transferred credit will be based on the evaluation of Department Credit Transfer Team


Student Exchange, Short Program, Internship, Public Service, Online Courses

Supporting documents:

Download Standard Operation Procedure Outbound Mobility Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka Direktorat Kemitraan Global ITS 2021
Download Formulir Transfer Kredit Arsitektur FT-SPK ITS

Department of Architecture has established a Standard Operational Procedure of credit transfer for students who participate in Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka program as illustrated below.

SOP Program Merdeka Belajar_Arsitektur FT-SPK ITS_ENG


update : March 1, 2021